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Ukiyo-e Studio Project

"Ukiyo-e" is a traditional Japanese art form that depicts the lives of Edo people,
──including actors(役者), courtesans(花魁), sumo wrestlers(力士), and landscapes.

As woodblock prints, they evolved creatively, incorporating the various art styles of the time. It also contributed to the spread of art, which had been enjoyed only by a limited number of people, to the general public.

In 1867, when the World Exposition in Paris, France, triggered a Japonism boom, ukiyo-e also became popular in Europe and had a great influence on Impressionist paintings, especially those by Van Gogh, Monet, Degas, and Manet.

Today, publication of Ukiyo-e has declined significantly due to rising production costs and a lack of successors.
Therefore, we established the "Ukiyo-e Studio" to preserve this technique.

We have invited artists who are active today to join us as painters to create new "modern Ukiyo-e" and pass it on to the next generation.

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Ukiyo-e Studio is available to customers all over the world through the purchase agency service WorldShopping.

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The fee depends on the weight,
so please feel free to inquire about the approximate weight of the work and its packaging.
※Please note that there may be slight variations.



Ukiyo-e Woodblock prints

横尾忠則 浮世絵木版画 「摺れ摺れ草-芸者姿の二代目瀬川富三郎」 横尾忠則 浮世絵木版画 「摺れ摺れ草-八代目森田勘弥の駕かき鶯の次郎作」
横尾忠則 浮世絵木版画 「摺れ摺れ草-三代目坂田半五郎の藤川水右衛門」 横尾忠則 浮世絵木版画 「摺れ摺れ草-三代目佐野川市松の祇園町の白人おなよと市川富右衛門の蟹坂藤馬」 横尾忠則 浮世絵木版画 「摺れ摺れ草-初代中山富三郎の松下造酒之進娘宮ぎの」
Tadanori yokoo Tadanori yokoo Tadanori yokoo Tadanori yokoo Tadanori yokoo
slip off slip - Actor Segawa
Tomisaburō II as Yadorigi
slip off slip - Actor Morita Kan’ya
VIII as the Palanquin-Bearer
Uguisu no Jirôsaku
slip off slip - Actor Sakata
Hangorō III as Fujikawa Mizuemon
slip off slip - The Actors
Ichikawa Tomiemon and Sanogawa Ichimatsu III as Kanisaka Tôma and Onayo
slip off slip - Actor Nakayama
Tomisaburō as Miyagino
JPY \220,000 JPY \220,000 JPY \220,000 JPY \220,000 JPY \220,000

横尾忠則 浮世絵木版画 「摺れ摺れ草-二代目瀬川富三郎の大岸蔵人妻やどり木と中村万世の腰元若草」 横尾忠則 浮世絵木版画 「摺れ摺れ草-三代目佐野川市松の祇園町の白人おなよ」 浮世絵木版画 「摺れ摺れ草-二代目沢村淀五郎の川蓮法眼と初代板東善次の鬼佐渡坊」 横尾忠則 浮世絵木版画 「摺れ摺れ草-三代目坂東彦三郎の鷺坂左内」 摺れ摺れ草 10点セット
Tadanori yokoo Tadanori yokoo Tadanori yokoo Tadanori yokoo Tadanori yokoo
slip off slip -The Actors Segawa Tomisaburō II and Nakamura Manyo
as Yadorigi and Her Maid Wakakusa
slip off slip - Actor Sanokawa Ichimatsu III as the Gion Prostitute Onayo slip off slip - The Actors Sawamura Yodogorō II and Bandō Zenji as Kawatsura Hōgen and Onisadobō slip off slip - Actor Bandō
Hikosaburō III as Sagisaka Sanai
slip off slip
10-Piece Set
JPY \220,000 JPY \220,000 JPY \220,000 JPY \220,000 JPY \2,420,000円

ミヤケマイ 木版画 「B面の猫 如月」 ミヤケマイ 木版画 「B面の猫 水無月」 ミヤケマイ 木版画 「B面の猫 葉月」 ミヤケマイ 木版画 「B面の猫 神無月」 ミヤケマイ 木版画 「B面の猫 霜月」
Mai Miyake Mai Miyake Mai Miyake Mai Miyake Mai Miyake
B-side Cat
Kisaragi – February
B-side Cat
Minazuki – June (Minatsuki)
B-side Cat
Hazuki – August (Hatsuki)
B-side Cat
Kannazukui – October (Kaminazuki)
B-side Cat
Shimotsuki – November
JPY \150,000 JPY \150,000 JPY \150,000 JPY \150,000 JPY \150,000

”葛飾北斎 ”葛飾北斎 ”志水堅二 松本セイジ「ANDY and CHEESE
Seiji Mastumoto Seiji Mastumoto Seiji Mastumoto Seiji Mastumoto
JPY \30,000 JPY \30,000 JPY \30,000 JPY \30,000

”葛飾北斎 ”葛飾北斎 ”志水堅二 平松礼二「不二彩々」(額装)
Hokusai Kastushika Hokusai Kastushika Kenji Shimizu Reiji Hiramastu
Fine Wind、Clear Morning
‐The Great Wave off Kanagawa
The Great Wave off
Mt. Fuji and Bridolly
Fuji saisai
JPY \27,500 JPY \27,500 JPY \101,750 JPY \165,000

瀧下和之 「桃太郎図 ワンワンラン。」 瀧下和之 桃太郎図 パンツ泥棒。 瀧下和之 桃太郎図 かくれんぼ。 瀧下和之 桃太郎図 鬼ヶ島で鬼退治。
Kazuyuki Takishita Kazuyuki Takishita Kazuyuki Takishita Kazuyuki Takishita
The Momo Taro
Wanwan ran。

(Original design Stand set)
The Momo Taro
Pantsu dorobou。-underpants thief

The Momo Taro
-hide and seek

The Momo Taro
Onigashima de Onitaiji 。
-Exterminating demons on Onigashima Island
JPY \3,300 JPY \41,800 JPY \66,000 JPY \165,000

瀧下和之  桃太郎図 ユキヤコンコ。 瀧下和之 龍虎図 瀧下和之 閻魔大王図
Kazuyuki Takishita Kazuyuki Takishita Kazuyuki Takishita
The Momo Taro Yukiya Konko。
-Snow Falls
Dragon and Tiger The King of Hell Enma
JPY \126,500 JPY \:231,000 JPY \308,000


”瀧下和之「桃太郎図いろはカルタ2」 ミヤケマイ ART MASK 「Rain cats」 銅版画 「喫茶去」 公式パンフレット「横尾忠則 摺れ摺れ草」 公式パンフレット「横尾忠則 摺れ摺れ草」
Kazuyuki Takishita Mai Miyake Mai Miyake Tadanori yokoo Hiroshi Senju
The Momo Iroha Karuta2」
Stuffed toy and autographed Watercolor ainting set
Art Mask
Rain cats
- Come Have Some Tea
Official Pamphlet
「Tadanori yokoo
slip off slip」
Hiroshi Senju
Print Works catalogue raisonné : 1988-2015
JPY \77,000 JPY \2,860 JPY \785,400 JPY \2,200 JPY \16,500


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